A web portal is a single access point for multiple types of information, which the portal pulls from several locations and then offers on one centralized site. Depending on the portal’s purpose, it may include a login point for registered users to access their profiles, links to information, access to RSS & news feeds, and contact points. It is a hub for information and communication.

Web portal development requires several advanced site-building skills, including registration systems, client-side and server-side scripting, rich application development, and more. To ensure a user-friendly and fully functional portal, you will need a professional web portal development company.

Harvard Group has an experienced team of web designers and developers who have years of experience in developing web portals for organizations in many industries. Our portal development solutions cater to intranet, extranet as well as internet-based requirements. We have the expertise and skill set required to deliver high-end enterprise solutions for managing and integrating varied business processes.