Database Driven Website  or Dynamic Website is the one which can change its content or may be Design according to the requirements. Dynamic Websites are becoming the first choice for many Companies because they are easily Editable Websites and anyone with little bit of computer knowledge can do it. They are also known as Database Driven Website or Editable Website.

What a Dynamic Website does is that instead of hard coding the content in the HTML file, it gets it from some Database or file, and updating this Database or file reflects the changes in the Editable Website. Those files are very easy to edit, but for more convenience Harvard Group gives our customers an Admin Panel with all the Dynamic Websites through which you can edit the Database or Files from the HTML pages itself, its like clicking the Edit button and writing the content, THAT’S ALL!!

Why do I need Dynamic or Database Driven Website?

There are many reasons for having a Dynamic Website , like: If you are a Company which offers many products and services, then for adding or updating any new product, you will pay some money to a Web Designer again. But a Dynamic Website can save your money here. Some Website require to inform their visitors about what the Company is interested in, now a Dynamic News Web page will serve this purpose and saves too much time when updating.
There are many other cases when a Database Driven or Dynamic Website should be used instead of a Static Website.

Benefits of Dynamic Website?

  • Anyone can edit Dynamic Website’s content and even Design easily.
  • Saves money spend on hiring Web Designer for every update.
  • Harvard Group gives you Admin Panel through which Editing Website becomes more simple.
  • Dynamic Website keeps you visitors up-to-date about your news.
  • Google prefers regularly Updating Websites over the static one.